Llistar Títols per Autor "Rodríguez, Alejandro"

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doc icon DUGiDocs 2010 Determination of corn stalk fibers’ strength through modeling of the mechanical properties of its composites Rodríguez, Manuel ; Rodríguez, Alejandro ; Bayer Resplandis, Jordi ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola ; Gironès i Molera, Jordi ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
out url icon Recercat Determination of corn stalk fibers’ strength through modeling of the mechanical properties of its composites Rodríguez, Manuel ; Rodríguez, Alejandro ; Bayer Resplandis, Jordi ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola ; Gironès i Molera, Jordi ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
out url icon Recercat Determination of corn stalk fibers’ strength through modeling of the mechanical properties of its composites Rodríguez, Manuel ; Rodríguez, Alejandro ; Bayer Resplandis, Jordi ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola ; Gironès i Molera, Jordi ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Determination of corn stalk fibers’ strength through modeling of the mechanical properties of its composites Rodríguez, Manuel ; Rodríguez, Alejandro ; Bayer Resplandis, Jordi ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola ; Gironès i Molera, Jordi ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
media icon DUGiMedia 24 març 2021 IDEO-GEOHIS una comunitat participativa per a fonts geohistòriques = IDEO-GEOHIS una comunidad participativa para fuentes geohistóricas García Juan, Laura ; Vallina Rodríguez, Alejandro ; Fernández Portela, Julio ; Bringas, Miguel Ángel

